Saturday, June 27, 2009

CHEO convention

This past Thursday night and Friday JoAnna and I attended the Christians Home Educators of Ohio (CHEO) conference in Columbus. I did not attend any of the sessions because some continuing health issues kept me from wanting to be "trapped" in a room with a bunch of people. I only went to purchase some of my books for this next school year.JoAnna had fun looking at all the booths of books. I will get a copy of the sessions and listen at my own convenience. Beside the traditional workbooks for Lydia I bought several artsy things and she was very happy. Caleb received several books about WWII and a Motor/Generator kit. He was quite happy and I was even able to get his picture without his hand stuck in front of his face.
Caleb in his room, on a Saturday morning, reading a WWII book.

Caleb's motor/generator is already built and experiments have started.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Beating the heat

Today was a hot one. Lydia and JoAnna decided to beat the heat by blowing up the pool. They splashed around in the cold water for over 2 hours. At one point Lydia put the hot, panting dogs into the water. I think their smiles tell a better story about their afternoon than I could do.
Lydia is peeking over the
can see JoAnna's shadow at the other end of the pool.

Lydia showing me the funny face that she said JoAnna was making.


What can I say...Lydia gets her dramatic personality from her mom.

They played "pool tag" which is a game they made up. They chased each other around the pool laughing and giggling and jumped into the pool to "be safe." JoAnna fell out of the pool at one point.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Horse Day Camp

This past spring, tucked into an envelope of 4-H papers, I found a flyer. As soon as I saw the page title I knew that I was going to have to make sure we were in town on June 20th. You see, the flyer announced a Horse Day Camp at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds. JoAnna has always loved horses and she was thrilled to be able to sign up for the camp. She learned about brushing and grooming...which included cleaning out the hooves. She also had a lesson in roping. She learned how to get up on the horse, hold the reins, sit in the saddle, ride and dismount. They also made a craft and each participant received a cowboy hat and bandana. If I had been feeling better I may have stayed just to get pictures of the whole day, but as is was I went home and fell asleep. I was able to get back to take some pictures at the end.
Getting her helmet on.

Getting up.


I caught her and her counselor sitting on the fence talking. Notice JoAnna's pink cowgirl boots...they came from Aunt Stephanie's sister in Texas.

With her hat, bandana and "rain stick" craft.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Oil Change for the Highlander

Today was a good day. I went to MMS and worked on the list of things that Mary left for me to work on. I really enjoyed taking my time and thinking through what I was doing. I hope that I did it all correctly. Caleb went in with me today. One of the things that Dave and Caleb did was change the oil in my car. It was quite sobering to look out the window and see my son sitting behind the wheel of my car as Dave talked him through driving to the back of the hangar. I still keep pinching myself...I can't believe that my son is nearing the age of driving. While we were at the hangar, Lydia and JoAnna held down the fort here at home. Lydia helped JoAnna paint a picture. They cleaned the house, did the dishes and Lydia made lasagna casserole for dinner...very yummy.

Caleb trying to remove the oil filter.

Dave and Caleb putting the new filter in place.

This is the azalea bush we planted up at MMS in Chris' memory. I can't wait to see the brilliant orange flowers bloom.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

VBS Week

This past week we participated in VBS week at our church.  JoAnna enjoyed the fun with all the other children.  Caleb was a leader with the 1st and 2nd graders for 3 nights and with the preschoolers the last 2 nights.  I told the Bible story and Lydia was my side kick, Outback Lyd. This week we learned about the life of Peter.  I really enjoyed telling the story each night.  The children all came to our room anticipating Outback Lyd doing something crazy.  One night she had a blow up pool and pretended that she was going to try to walk on water.  The children enjoyed her antics.  By the end of the week Lydia received quite a few impromptu hugs from the children.  She was tickled.  
Caleb explains something to a little preschool charge of his.

JoAnna and her new friend Hope.

Me telling the story.

Today we had a family carnival to wrap up our VBS week.  We had games, a bounce house, a blow up obstacle course, food, candy, popcorn...and LOTS of fun. 

JoAnna's smile shows how much fun she had.

Caleb helped with crowd control on the obstacle course. 

Lydia followed me everywhere, including in circles as I tried to "loose her."  She finally sat down to enjoy some cotton candy and eventually her friend Kennedy came and they went to enjoy the games.  

Monday, June 1, 2009


We have been a little late in getting our flower pots filled up this year.  With all the preparations in getting ready to move we have been a little preoccupied with the inside "things."  Every spring I am drawn to the beautifully colored flowers that the Lord created.  The children tease me b/c, though I always start out well, many times I end up killing my plants. Every year when I say, "Oh, look at the beautiful flowers!!"  They respond by saying that the flowers are all yelling, "No!!  Not the flower killer.  Stay away!!  Nooooo..."   We all have a good laugh, I buy flowers and we go home and plant them.  Tonight the girls helped me.  

Last year the girls and I were at a home improvement store and JoAnna found a .25, half-dead begonia on the clearance rack.  She picked it up and asked me if she could get it for her very own.  I told her that I thought she would do a good job nursing it back to health.  I then told her that we could go get her a pretty pot to replant her little "patient."  As we walked away a grandmother, who hovered nearby, said, "Good mom!!  Way to go."  JoAnna nursed her little plant and she made it flourish.  I am happy to report that this years "little flower patient" is doing well, also.    

Lydia getting ready to load her planter into the chore truck so that she could take it up front.

Lydia with "the chore truck."

JoAnna planting her orange marigolds and purple petunias.

All finished.