Monday, November 9, 2009


It seems that every year at the fair one of the 4-H groups puts together an Ohio State booth. JoAnna is putting on her best disgusted face. Her mama brain her little Michigan fan well.

JoAnna riding "Catching Air" with the Satterthwaite's grandchildren.

MMS had a bonfire and hayride in October. We had to take 2 trips on the hay wagon. Lydia is the young lady hiding her face.

JoAnna was able to hitch a 2nd ride, she loves spending time with her friend, Hannah.

Lydia and I enjoy sewing together. We work well as a team...she is so much like me. I look at her and see me--all over again--with her daddy's eyes, chin and teeth.

JoAnna helping me make soup for dinner on one of the first cold fall nights. She loves to help me in the kitchen.

This past weekend we helped a family from church put up some wood for the winter months that lay ahead. JoAnna and I were in the storage shed stacking the wood.

Lydia worked to bring the large chunks of tree over the creek (if you live in this area of Ohio that word in pronounced 'crick').

Caleb helped with loading and unloading that large chunks of wood.

Paul and BJ were responsible for the work party. Paul and his wife, Jenni, will enjoy the fire wood this winter.