Saturday, February 7, 2009

Piano Recital

This past Thursday Lydia and JoAnna had their piano recital.  Their teacher decided to have it a little earlier, so that the students could play Christmas music if they wanted to.  They both did a beautiful job.  Lydia always amazed me with her abilities.  I wish I could capture her music for you to hear.  JoAnna actually played her music.  Two years ago, during her first recital she got up to play and she just plunked her fingers up and down the keyboard...not playing anything but a bunch of notes...and then she got up with a great big smile and bowed--so proud of herself.  I sat there choking back the giggles.  Last year she played a Yankee Doodle duet with Lydia.  As they went along JoAnna got faster and faster--they should have gotten a speeding ticket.  She is my sweet little girl and I love her.  Chris' mom and sisters have told me that if I want to know
 what Chris was like as a young boy I only need to look as far as JoAnna.  She has her daddy's laid back, happy go lucky personality.  
Today in the store JoAnna, who had been happily chatting all morning, got real quiet.  When I looked over she had a sad look on her face.  I asked her what was wrong and after several attempts at getting her to share she buried her face in her hands and started to cry.  I put my arm around her and asked her if she missed her daddy.  She nodded her head.  I asked her if it was hard to see all of the kids in the store with their dads.  She nodded.  I hugged her.  She still misses her daddy so much.
Many people have seen this picture already, but this picture is of JoAnna and it shows her feelings for her daddy quilt.  She snuggles with it every night.  She put this picture on her Most Precious Treasure page in her photo album.  On the page titled Make a Wish she put a picture of her Daddy and her Uncle Tim.  She had me write out the words, "If I could wish for anything I would want my Daddy and Uncle Tim back."   

1 comment:

Old Codger said...

Karen and I remember Joanna's first piano recital. You've described it well. The picture of Joanna with her Daddy quilt is totally precious.