Since Chris' passing I have been privileged to continue to work at MMS Aviation. One of the guys once told me that it was good to have an Abernethy in the hangar again...that comment meant so much to me. The first year was hard because I often felt like I wasn't really doing much. I know that Keith appreciated me answering the phone, but it didn't feel like enough to me. On the way home one day I began comparing myself to the mechanics in the hangar and wondering how my time at MMS was making any difference. The Lord immediately rebuked me and told me to remember the story of the widow and her mites. He then asked me how much more I could give than I was at that point. "Nothing more," I told him. He then told me that He didn't expect any more of me at that time. That year in my school curriculum I received a widow's mite coin that was made into a necklace pendant. I often wear that coin to remind me that the Lord doesn't expect anything more of me than what I can give. I so enjoy the times that I am able to participate in MMS activities. This weekend we hosted an open house to make people aware of who we are and what we do up at the top of the hill by the airport.
Jenny and me manning our "post" at the food table.
This little radish mouse was made by Isobel, or in house Pampered Chef guru. The radish mice were popular and much enjoyed by our guests.
The best part, I think, of working at MMS is having the privilege of continuing to serve alongside my sisters in Christ. Rena, Karen, Michele and Jenny are godly women and I am so glad they are my spiritual sisters.