Monday, February 28, 2011

Cake making

Creativity is Lydia's middle name. Her hands are always working and doing something. Her piano skills top the list of finger abilities. Last summer my mom taught her how to quilt and she came home and made a quilt all by herself. She makes cards. She loves to work in the kitchen. She has recently taken an interest in cake decorating.

Lydia making a cake for a friend's birthday.

Lydia and her friend, Meredith, making the marshmallow fondant for the cake.

The finished purse cakes for Amanda's birthday.

A second view of the finished cakes.


Anonymous said...

wow - those are cool looking! Good job!

Debbie Randall

Karen said...

What fun! Great job!

Heather : 0) said...

The cakes look amazing! I shall have to put an order in for my birthday in September!! can she make piano cakes??? : 0)

Heather : 0) said...

The cakes look amazing! I shall have to put an order in for my birthday in September. Can she make piano cakes?? : 0)