Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This is my friend Debbie. This past spring we were brought together in a very special way. I would like to share the story, b/c it is yet another way that the Lord continues to show His hand in His children's lives today.

Debbie and I were both part of a Sunday evening ladies Bible study at our church. Our pastor's wife, Deb (not to be confused with the Debbie picture here), led the study in Titus. One day as I worked through the study questions I was challenged by some things that Deb wrote about discipleship. The Spirit put a deep longing in me to want to disciple someone. I have never discipled anyone, but I prayed, "Lord here I am. If you want me to do this I pray that You will arrange it all." Little did I know...

The following Sunday we sat in the fellowship hall listening to Deb speak and the same longing returned only much more intense. I started praying, "Lord, I am available. I don't know how, but I trust You to work it all out. If you want me to disciple someone show me who it is." At that instant the Spirit put Debbie's name on my heart and peace flooded over me. I then prayed, "Lord that makes so much sense. I have been getting to know Debbie for a while now and she keeps saying that she wants to know more. Okay Lord, now I need you to help me. I don't want to sound arrogant. How do I approach her?" I sat back totally at peace, trusting Him to work it out.

After the study I crossed the gym and stood by Debbie while she talked to one of her friends from work. When she finished her conversation she turned around and with all seriousness she said, "Dana, I was just sitting here feeling convicted. I need to be discipled. I was trying to figure out who to ask. After the study I saw you over there and thought I want Dana to disciple me. Will you disciple me?"

I think my jaw hit the floor. I was speechless. I then poured out my story from the past week. God had worked out all of the details. Debbie is a wonderful student and I have prayed often that the Lord will teach her through me. It is a true joy to study together. I have grown to love her as my sister in Christ. I look forward to spending eternity with my friend Debbie.

On a different note...the other night I was reminded of how differently my children think since loosing their daddy. Chris used to brush Lydia's hair, she loved it!! The other night Caleb picked up a brush and started to brush Lydia's hair. At one point Lydia said, "My hand is numb and I can't get it to wake up." Caleb immediately started questioning her as he moved her hand and tried to assess the situation. I knew exactly what his mind was thinking...numbness in the left leg and arm was one of Chris' symptoms. Their lives have been changed forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dana, this is such a wonderful story of how the Lord works when we are available to Him. Awesome!! I'm seeing Debbie today and will tell her to take a look at your blog.