Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nature Hike

Today the girls and I went for a walk so that JoAnna could fulfill one of her Green Jewel requirements for her AWANA book.  She had to find 6 things God created and then she had to find 5 rocks to glue on a poster to show her leader.  Once we arrived at Warsaw Park the girls had to play a game of Pooh Sticks.  Pooh Sticks all started years ago when Caleb loved Whinnie the Pooh books.  Pooh and his friends would drop sticks from one side of the bridge and race to the other side to see whose stick would come out first on the other side.  When we moved here to Warsaw we started playing the game ourselves.  The children would pick up sticks before we got to the park.  We--that included Chris and I--would drop our sticks in and go to the other side to see who the winner was.  We still play the game today.  
JoAnna and Lydia getting ready to drop their sticks for Pooh sticks.

JoAnna and Lydia watching for the sticks to emerge on the other side.

JoAnna finding rocks for her poster.

JoAnna stuffing all her rocks in her pocket...I hope she gets them all out before laundry day.

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