We went to Michigan to see my family for Thanksgiving. My parent's paper is about 2 inches thick on Thanksgiving morning. My children found the add that they wanted to check out. They are looking for a good deal on a Wii...they are saving their money to split the cost of a system.

My brother and his family came over on Thanksgiving Day and after dinner we played Railroad Pedro (Pee-dro). Has anyone else heard of Pedro? It was an old farm game that my grandpa played with his buddies. His children became a 2nd generation of Pedro players. My brother and I are third generation and my children are now 4th generation Pedro players. JoAnna can't wait to be old enough to play with us.

On Friday my mom received a call from her brother. There was a place open in the nursing home for my grandpa (the Pedro player). He is 95 and has been in an assisted living situation, which costs $2,500 a month. It is about time for Medicare to kick in and they will only pay for a $5,000 a month full nursing home. That's our government!!! Here I am with Grandpa in August of 2006. He has been showing signs of dementia, even forgetting his own daughter. The funny thing is that he has not forgotten Chris. He always points to Chris' picture and says, "I know he died, but how did it happen?!"

We drove home on Saturday and had everything unpacked and put away by bedtime. On Sunday we had our first roast from our full freezer...wonderful!! Then Lydia bathed the dogs...here are Tessa (still wet), Lydia and Maia (dry and fluffy).