Friday, September 26, 2008

Tessa's Big Day

Today was the day that Tessa has been waiting for. Tessa finally got her big purple splint off. We can also stop using the taped together cups to take her outside. She had twisted the splint so she had some tape stuck in her fur. The skin was tender and itchy after they shaved off the tape. Lydia was able to help her find relief with a bath and a little conditioner on that leg. She no longer looks or sounds like peg leg the pirate.

On the way home we encountered a road block on US 36 and were rerouted. While descending the steep dirt road we saw this scene...but the goat was actually in the road. I laughed and told Caleb to grab the camera. You know you live in rural country when you find chickens and a goat in the middle of the road. I love it!! On a sad note when we listened to the radio later we found out that there had been a fatal head on accident...that's why the road was closed. An 92 year old man went left of center and hit an ambulance. The man perished and it sounded like the EMT's injuries were non life threatening.

When we finally arrived home we made applesauce. One batch of regular and one batch with strawberries in it. The apples are so sweet there is no sugar needed. I had plenty of help. Caleb, who would not cooperate with the camera (so he is not seen) ran the apple peeler/corer/slicer. Lydia hand peeled. I cut out the cores and spots. JoAnna sliced them and put the pieces into the pots. It didn't take long and now we have applesauce for this winter.

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