Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend in MI

Thank you to everyone who prayed for me during those "dark" days. I could really feel myself being lifted away from that 'black hole'.

We had a good time in MI. One and a half days just isn't much time. We arrived at my parents around 2:30 Friday afternoon. Caleb mowed Grandma and Grandpa's lawn and JoAnna picked up sticks. My mom made some killer pizza...I wonder where I get my pizza making abilities?? Every time some one comes to my house and eats my pizza they say I should start my own business. My mom taught me how to cook and I love to do it. That's actually one of the things that drew Chris to me...homemade bread.

Friday evening my brother's family showed up to share dinner with us. It was great to see them again. They have two little guys who love to wrestle with their daddy, so when Caleb sat on the floor they pounced on him. For as big as Caleb is he can be so tender. He amazes me b/c he is so rough with his sisters...girls...but he was so gentle with Logan and Brendan...boys...go figure.

On Saturday we delivered Amish country apple butter to my aunt and uncle. We then stopped and picked up fresh picked Michigan Honeycrisp apples...delicious. I also got a bag of seconds to make applesauce. As sweet as the firsts are I can't wait to taste a good naturally sweet apple sauce. I'll let you know how yummy it turns out.

I went to my class reunion on Saturday evening. It was good to see everyone again. Some had changed so much and some were just the same. We had fun trying to guess which pictures of children went with which parents. Some people picked my children out right away, but most couldn't place them with me. I think it's b/c they look so much like their daddy. I left around 9...when the alcohol started coming out.

We found out today that Lydia received a "superior" rating (the highest) for her 2 dog projects in 4-H. She did well and I am proud of all her work. Next Sunday afternoon she will actually take Maia to the show ring and perform with her in front of judges.

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